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Welcome back Jason! 

Current Order Status:  Your ZB30 is being customized!

Subscription: 1 Year full refill plan

Next Customized Mouthpiece Delivery: 3 months

Here's your scan

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Here's a 3D view of your scan information!

Everything looks pretty good, our AI analysis noticed that there may be an issue. Don't worry, this happens to most of us. 

You can see some of what we noticed below.

Perfect Clean

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Gum Recession

Here's a 3D view of your scan that identified the Gum recession.

We have good news, we notice with the use of ZERObrush, our customers have naturally improved the gum recession. 

We are here to help. And you can always chat with one of our professionals through our Teledental service. 

Supercharge your gum health with complete coverage using ZERObrush !


ZB custom cleaning

Hits every surface

Cleans at the Gum line!

Healthier Gums!


A healthy mouth starts at the gum line.  Pair your ZERObrush with gum health toothpastes such as Crest GUM detoxify.  

ZERObrush ensures minimal dilution, maximum duration and total coverage.

Order now
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Teeth Wear

Here's a 3D view of your scan that identified the wear on your teeth.

This could be caused by grinding. We recommend speaking to a dentist, and perhaps getting a night guard.

Get your Nightguard


Get shades brighter and radiant smile!

We recommend pairing your ZERObrush with Crest 3D White Radiant!

Order now
Get your Custom Oral Care

Coming Soon:

Custom Oral Care Paste & Dispenser

Based on your scan, we recommend using our dispenser with your custom formulation of desensitizing and gum care gel. 

Our ZB dispenser meets your needs. We got you covered!

What are you looking for, select all that apply:

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